Empowering the Deaf Community: Hewa Deaf Institute Renovation

Humanitarian Porjects

06:03 - 13/12/2020

Sulaymanyah, Iraq.


MHF's unwavering commitment to fostering inclusion and equality extends to persons with disabilities. To celebrate International Day of Persons with Disabilities on December 3, 2020, MHF inaugurated and revitalized a specialized unit dedicated to sign language for individuals with hearing impairments in Sulaymaniyah city.

The newly renovated center is dedicated to serving the hearing-impaired community by offering comprehensive sign language programs and developing tailored curricula. Our goal is to facilitate seamless communication and ensure that people, both with and without disabilities, can learn this unique language and engage with one another effectively. The renovation process included essential enhancements, such as the installation of a Smart board, electrical upgrades for the building, a modern studio, computer facilities, comfortable carpets, and ergonomic chairs. MHF is committed to providing a supportive environment where every individual's potential is unleashed.

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