Rural Sustainable Development and Circular Economy Project

Development Projects

04:09 - 29/06/2022

Kurdistan Region.


In harnessing the vast potential of the Kurdistan Region of Iraq for tourism, MHF collaborated with the Terra Mitjana Association in Spain to execute the "Sustainable Development and Circular Economy in Rural Areas" project, concluding on May 25, 2022. Building on the momentum of tourism growth in the region, which witnessed 2,500,000 visitors during the first eight months of 2021, this initiative sought to establish connections between Catalonia and Kurdistan while fostering job opportunities in the tourism sector.

The primary goal was to contribute to sustainable development by leveraging the rich natural, historical, and heritage assets in the Dukan and Rania areas. A team of four specialists in mountain sports explored diverse terrains to identify potential sites for new activities, including climbing, canyoning, cross-country skiing, and boating. Notable locations assessed encompassed the Chami Rezan Valley, Sahra Cave, Qzkapan Cave, Jasana Cave, Peramagrun Mountain, Hartal Village, Harzna Village, Qaladzi City, Kani Rash Village, and the lost city associated with Alexander the Great.

The project aspires to lay the groundwork for an autonomous economic venture that can thrive independently, devoid of external aid or economic systems beyond the control of the local population. In the long term, the establishment of venues for such sporting activities aims to meet the demand for cultural tourism, ecotourism, and active tourism, popularly known as "adventure tourism." This multifaceted approach aims to attract visitors from both within and outside the Kurdistan region, promoting sustainable economic growth and cultural exchange.



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