Preserving the Mother Tongue - Cultural Initiative

Development Projects

10:19 - 06/12/2023

MHF proudly introduces the "Supporting the Mother Tongue is a Duty" project, designed to foster the rich linguistic heritage of Iraq. Embracing linguistic diversity, MHF embarked on a mission to distribute a diverse collection of books in Kurdish and Arabic languages. This initiative covered 14 distinct locations, including prominent institutions and public libraries such as Kirkuk University Library, Khanaqin Public Library, Kirkuk Public Library, Laylan Public Library, Babagurgur Library, Hassar Library, Prde Library, Dubz Library, Qarahanjir Library, Duz Khurmatu Library, Shwan Library, Eilm Foundation for Education and Teaching, Taq Taq Public Library, and Makhmur Public Library.

The total distribution encompassed an impressive 2,837 books, comprising 741 different titles. The strategically chosen locations facilitated accessibility and cultural enrichment for a wide audience. Below is a breakdown of the number of books distributed at each location:

Kirkuk University Library: 477 books
Khanaqin Public Library: 211 books
Kirkuk Public Library: 278 books
Laylan Public Library: 118 books
Babagurgur Library: 188 books
Hassar Library: 182 books
Prde Library: 217 books
Dubz Library: 218 books
Qarahanjir Library: 178 books
Duz Khurmatu Library: 184 books
Shwan Library: 150 books
Eilm Foundation for Education and Teaching: 135 books
Taq Taq Public Library: 130 books
Makhmur Public Library: 171 books

This project, with a total of 2,837 beneficiaries, embodies MHF's commitment to nurturing cultural richness and linguistic vitality within Iraqi communities.


Kirkuk University, Kirkuk, Iraq.

  Kirkuk Public Library.

Maxmoor Library.


Taq Taq Library

Library of Eilm Institute.

Nahiya Shwan Library.

Duz Xurmatoo Library.

Qara Hanjeer Library.

Doobz Library.

Prde Library.

Hassar Library.

Laylan Public Library

Baba Gurgur Public Library.

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