Preventing Drug and Psychotropic Substance Abuse - Initiative

Development Projects

08:26 - 22/10/2023

On November 7, 2023, MHF, in collaboration with Kirkuk Province, orchestrated a pivotal workshop dedicated to the prevention of drug and psychotropic substance abuse. This gathering, attended by an extensive array of stakeholders, laid the foundation for a comprehensive project set to launch in 2024, aimed at curbing the proliferation of drug abuse and addiction.
The workshop brought together a diverse group of participants, including the Deputy Governor, UNAMI representatives, delegates from NGO offices in both Baghdad and the Kurdistan Region, a representative from the governorate office, and a spokesperson from the Social Police. Notably, attendees from Kirkuk University and officials from the Health, Education, Tourism, and Drugs Directorate, along with representatives from the Sunni Bureau, the Cultural House, the Quality Department, and the Miran Organization, enriched the discussions with their varied perspectives and expertise.
The collaborative efforts of these participants culminated in the creation of a comprehensive roadmap for the upcoming project. This strategic plan is designed to implement multifaceted strategies in preventing the dangers associated with drug abuse. It reflects the collective commitment of all involved parties to address this pressing societal challenge.
With a participation count exceeding 30 individuals, the potential impact of this project extends to around 300 beneficiaries. This projection takes into account the participants' roles in disseminating crucial information and discussions within their respective departments and NGOs, thereby amplifying the initiative's reach and effectiveness.



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