Book Publication Project - Expanding Horizons through Knowledge

Development Projects

08:14 - 27/11/2023

MHF's Book Publication Project has been a beacon of intellectual enrichment, fostering a culture of learning and community engagement. In the year 2023, MHF proudly presented a diverse array of literary works, each contributing to the cultural tapestry and expanding the horizons of knowledge. Let's delve into the distinct publications brought to life through this project:

1. "Installation Art" by Dr. Rostam Aziz
Published on March 8, 2023, with an initial release of 50 editions, "Installation Art" explores the history and critical analysis of installation art. Authored by Dr. Clair Bishop and translated by Dr. Rostam Aziz, this book has been a resounding success in the higher education sector. Due to its popularity, an additional 100 copies were later printed, solidifying its impact in the realm of contemporary art.

2. "I was Dead a Long Time Ago" by Dr. Ahmad Fatih Mohammed
Released in June 2023, this novel, originally in Arabic by Razwa Al-Aswad, was translated into Kurdish by Dr. Ahmad Fatih Mohammed. With 500 editions, the book delves into the historical narratives of the Kurds and Armenians, drawing insightful comparisons and providing readers with a rich literary experience.

3. "Creating Enemies" by Hama Rashid
In August, MHF sponsored the translation of "Creating Enemies" into Kurdish. Authored by Dr. Pierre Conesa and translated by Hama Rashid, this impactful work delves into the intricate mechanisms that drive decision-makers to create adversaries on the global stage. With 500 editions, the book critically examines the motivations behind this phenomenon, offering profound insights into international relations.

4. "Determining the Borders of the Kurdistan Region" by Shadman Mala Ali
Addressing crucial geopolitical issues, this publication, authored by Shadman Mullah Hassan, scrutinizes the geographical boundaries of the Kurdistan Region. Released with 500 editions, it serves as a valuable resource in cultural and academic centers, reflecting MHF's commitment to disseminating knowledge on vital regional matters.

5. "The Last Face of Al-Jawaheri" by Awat Mohammed Amin
Sponsored by MHF, this book, originally in Kurdish, was translated into Arabic by Awat Mohammed Amin. With 500 editions, the publication sheds light on the lesser-known facets of the life of Mohammed Mahdi Al-Jawaheri, exploring his significant contributions to politics, society, and culture.

Through these literary endeavors, MHF reached a total of 2150 beneficiaries in 2023. This project not only underscores the importance of book publications in connecting authors with readers but also emphasizes MHF's dedication to cultural diversity and accessibility in literature. Each publication stands as a testament to MHF's enduring commitment to intellectual growth and the dissemination of knowledge.

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