MHF and University of Koya Sign MOU: Fostering Academic Excellence
On the 31st of March 2021, a significant milestone was
achieved as Mam Humanitarian Foundation (MHF) and the University of Koya,
specifically the Faculty of Engineering, entered into a Memorandum of
Understanding (MOU). This collaboration marks a dedicated effort to strengthen
and advance scientific and academic development.
The MOU establishes a framework for mutual cooperation,
emphasizing general principles that underpin joint efforts in education and
coordination. Both MHF and the University of Koya commit to fostering
collaborative programs within the academic and scientific domains, with a
primary focus on capacity building and supporting researchers. The partnership
extends to enhancing the overall quality of education, organizing joint
seminars, and conducting workshops aimed at capacity building and development
in their respective fields. This strategic alliance underscores the shared
commitment to excellence in education and research.